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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

New Rooms

A week ago (or so) we got a new PahaQue 12x12 foot screen room. We hope to use it to provide shade and shelter from (light) rain while camping with our Scamp.

PahaQue 12x12 Screen Room
We figured on using it as our "outdoor" dining room, as well as shade and shelter. It only took us (Nancy and I, it DOES take two) a few tens of minutes to get it set up.

Today, we got a 12-foot diameter Clam Six-Pack Screen Room. We figure it will be our "outdoor" living room/den while camping.

Here I am contemplating the beast itself:

Out of the box. Now what?
Now what?! Just reach in and get started!
Well, let's get started.

 In only a couple minutes, maybe less, the structure is up and I'm setting the door posts.
Just a couple minutes later. (Ignore the time-stamp.)
That was easy! Really. One person, just a couple minutes from bag to done!

All done!
The Clam Six-Pack Screen Room is super easy (!!) to set up. Really!

Even better, take down and storage is just as simple and easy! I am very, very impressed.

So, now we have our dining room (the PahaQue 12x12) and the living-room/den (the Clam Six-Pack), and the bedroom (our Scamp 13') we should be set for a while. On the other hand . . . 

Next up, the billiard room!