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Monday, August 15, 2011

Eagles on the Thirteenth

Went to Greenwood Golf Course today. Played the back nine.

As I got ready on the 13th tee, I looked up to see a kettle of bald eagles. They came in low over the 13th green (a short par 3) and found a fast rising thermal. They quickly wheeled to ride that thermal up and up. In no time at all, they were thousands of feet up and going higher. There were three bald eagles, a turkey vulture, and a large hawk that I could not identify. A couple of times two of the eagles began an aerobatic dance. I thought that, perhaps, they'd lock talons and spiral toward the ground. But, it's the wrong season for that kind of carrying on.

All the avian participants in the kettle continued to ride the thermal up until they were hard to see against the building cumulus clouds. It was fascinating.

Pulling my attention from the aerial acrobatics, I lined up and pulled the trigger only to find that the show had played Hell with my tee shot. Pulled it left and short. Ended up taking a bogey on an easy par three and walked away smiling as I remembered the treat of Eagles on the Thirteenth.

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