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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

River Walk Jan 4, 2012

A beautiful sunny day. Warm, too. Just had to get out and see what's been happening on this most northern stretch of the Mississippi.

The first thing I came across was a set of tracks made by three otter in the last couple days, probably two days ago.
Three otter

Three otter
As I turned the corner to head west upriver, this scene presented itself. A quintessential winter river scene - a big white pine, long blue shadows, and a flat, white river.
Mississippi River scene

At this bend of the river a sign cautions those who travel this way in the warmer months. It doesn't really apply on a January day.
A little further on, I came across a set of fox tracks that were coming from where I was headed. These were very fresh. I'd missed the fox by just a few hours.
Fox track
Closer to shore, alders grow. They've already set buds for next spring's flowering.
Alder buds waiting for Spring to flower
I think the alder buds looks like little sausages!
They look like sausages
And then .... a trifecta!! Fox track, deer track, and otter track - all in one shot!
Fox, deer, and otter! Oh, my!
Near the canoe camp, a beaver had taken down a large birch. This stump was more than two feet across at the cut line!
Large birch felled by a beaver
Since it was nearby, I checked on the canoe camp. Everything seems to be OK.
Canoe camp
And then I saw it. Why is there always some ignoramus who desperately, desperately needs a clue??
Someone really needs to get a clue!
This is a very large Norway pine. It has been all but completely girdled. It is unlikely that it will survive this senseless attack. Here's what it looks like from the river - it's the large Norway leaning to the left.
The injured Norway
If I knew who had committed this senseless attack, I'd be more that happy to deliver the clue that person so sorely needs. I'd be sure to deliver it, most emphatically, on the toe of my size 11-1/2 boot!

Heading back, I stopped to try my hand at creating a panorama of Stump Lake on the Mississippi.
Stump Lake on the Mississippi - Panorama attempt 1
Stump Lake on the Mississippi - Panorama attempt2
All in all, a gorgeous day for a walk. If only I could find that dingbat that needs a clue.....


  1. Beautiful photos! I particularly enjoyed learning about the tracks.

  2. Hi Pup! Glad to have you along on the walk.
