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Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Camera Shy Mr. Muskrat

While trudging along on my late afternoon walk on the frozen Mississippi, I was surprised to see a local resident come trundling out to meet me.

An afternoon greeter
Here's a closer look at the little guy.
Mr. Muskrat
It took me a moment to realized he really was coming out to meet me. I stopped, dropped my gloves on the snow, and pulled the camera from the camera-bag. As I raised the camera to focus, Mr. Muskrat decided he was camera shy. He turned tail and headed back to shore.

A major source of enjoyment on my winter walks is reading the stories told by the tracks in the snow. I wonder what story these tracks will tell to the next reader....

Will the next track-reader know that Mr. Muskrat was camera-shy? 

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