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Thursday, July 2, 2015

Swing the Top

"Swing the Top", what's the first image that comes to your mind?

Did it have a really tall tree? Did it have a seventy-foot bucket truck? Nope? Neither did mine.

Last Tuesday, Woodchuck's Tree Service of Bemidji removed three dead pine trees, including a Norway pine that rose to a height of 100 feet. When asked if his bucket truck could reach to the top of the pine, Chuck said that no, it could only get to seventy feet. When asked if he could control where the top of the pine was going to fall when he could only reach seventy feet, he said, "Well, I'll just swing the top. No problem!"

Swing the top? Here's what he did:

After trimming all the lower branches up to as high as his equipment could reach, he tied a rope "harness" to the pine.
Tying on the harness
Harness nearly finished

Once the harness was in place, he made the cut.
Cut is nearly finished

Cut is finished
Let the swing begin

And that, my friends, is how to Swing the Top!

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