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Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Coyote

This early afternoon, I went into my bedroom for a reason that I now forget. I happened to glance out the window and saw a couple families of geese helping me keep the grass mowed. There were 12 of them. At the same moment, they noticed me and started to stroll leisurely toward the river.

I grabbed the little Kodak camera and got this picture through the window and the screen.

They stopped about half way to the water stood stock still. I stayed still, too, hoping that they'd get over their nervousness and let me get some more pictures.

After a few moments of being on high alert with the parents all looking in my direction, suddenly every one of them turned to look toward the nearby woods. After a few seconds, they took flight and disappeared over the river. "Huh", I said to myself, "I wonder what set them off."

Then I saw him...

A young coyote.


  1. This is a test of leaving a comment. Does it really, really work? Really? Truly?

  2. Yes, it did. But unfortunately, it requires a Google account login to complete the comment/post process. Bummer. Maybe I can get more friends and family to get a Google account.

    Or, maybe not...
