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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Dawn Patrol

Yesterday I headed into town on an errand. On the gravel road just before it meets the highway an otter crossed in front of me. It was headed in the general direction of the river. Pretty neat! We're not often given opportunity to see an otter, especially crossing the road.

This morning, not long after dawn, a family of otter were patrolling the shore of the Mississippi in front of the house. They were moving fast. I barely had time to run for the camera. The three of them were checking for breakfast along the edge of the wild rice bed.
Taking a look

Two otter. One above, one below (see the swirl and bubble trail).

Three otter. Two above, one below. Again, see the swirl and the bubble trail.

Otters on patrol.

Otters on patrol.

Could these two be any cuter?

The family continues on patrol heading out of camera range. The third otter is under the big swirl in the middle.
Observing a family of otter on dawn patrol is one of the best ways I can think of to start your day.

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